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Yes, Short Video Tags Are Important. Short video tags is an effective categorization tool that helps in sorting, organizing, and finding similar types of videos depending on the contextual information associated with it. This improves visibility on search engines, so short videos gain more exposure when posted with relevant tags and descriptions. Tags helps to group short videos according to the topic and in many ways encourages people to watch certain videos. Also, tags narrow down the result when someone searches for a similar content. By also enabling the keyword search of short videos, using tags is a great way to categorize videos related to the same topic. For example, if someone searches for the hashtag



Filial piety to parents is an extremely important part of traditional Chinese culture. It is a virtue that is often discussed and is held in high esteem in Chinese society. To be filial to one’s parents is to show respect for them, to be obedient and to provide them with the best of care and devotion. Filial piety starts at a young age. Children are taught from an early age to be respectful and to take care of their parents:

For example, to serve them tea and to perform household chores to support them. This Respectful behaviour is expected to continue even after the child has grown up. Filial piety also encompasses the concept of being responsible for one’s parents. This means making sure that the parents are equipped with the education and medical care that is suitable for them and to look after them in their old age. Moreover, filial piety goes even further and includes remembering one’s ancestors. Although one can no longer show respect for their ancestors physically, one should honour their spirit and their memory by regularly visiting the graves of their ancestors. Filial piety is essential in Chinese culture. It is the foundation of all other virtues and a way of showing respect to our elders, even after they are no longer on this earth.





