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这样的茶有人要吗英文 茶在中国很受欢迎用英语怎么说

这样的茶有人要吗英文,Do people want this tea?






Arrive is a verb that often means to come or get to a certain place. It can also mean to come to a place or condition. To arrive can often mean to reach a place or goal. For example, you can say that a plane “arrived” at an airport. You can say a person “arrived” at a party. You could also say that you “arrived” at a solution after a lot of thought. When you say something “arrived,” you are usually stating that it came at a certain time and got to that place or condition. For example, you could say that a package “arrived” today if it came in the mail today. In this sense, arrive is similar to words like come, get and reach. They all express the movements associated with traveling to a certain place or condition. For example, you could say “She came to the party yesterday” or “She reached the party yesterday.” Both of these sentences communicate the same idea as “She arrived at the party yesterday.”



